The alien fixed both of its glistening, plum-sized black eyes on Bashir and reached weakly in his direction with one spindly arm.
The pilot reached weakly toward the board, but his leaden hands refused utterly to obey the dictates of his reeling mind.
The Navigator was wrapped in a grimy blanket and was weakly reaching for the controls of a wheelchair.
The orog reached for her weakly, but Danica paid the lame attempt no heed.
The next morning, Deyi wakes up and weakly reaches for Qinqin, who is shown lying on the floor by the side of the bed.
She allowed her tears to flow and reached weakly for Olav's hand to support her.
Cranston reached weakly for the cloak and hat, and Gail handed them to him, as souvenirs.
Hoyt stared, reached weakly for the injector.
His hands reached weakly as though they sought the pen which lay upon the desk.
She weakly reached toward Jack.