Because the metal reacts with oxygen at high temperatures it cannot be produced by reduction of its dioxide.
Precursor or powder particles react with plasma at high temperatures (6000-15000 C) which greatly reduces the reaction time.
HCAs form when amino acids and creatine (a chemical found in muscles) react at high cooking temperatures.
The reaction rate can be made faster, for example by reacting at higher temperatures and/or pressures, or by pre-treatment, although this method requires additional energy.
Ozone can react at cryogenic temperatures.
This was done by reacting the silver in the alloy with salt at high temperatures, leaving the gold unaffected.
This radical can in turn attack the triple bond in acetylene and react efficiently even at cold temperatures.
One of its main drawbacks is that it is reacts with oxygen at moderate temperatures (over 300 C).
He observed that mixtures of alkali metal oxides and carbon react at high temperatures with nitrogen.
Oxygen and nitrogen do not react at ambient temperatures.