The total reaction to his question consisted of a deepening of Rose's blush and another quick shake of her head.
A typical reaction consists of oligonucleotides 50 base pairs long each overlapping by about 20 base pairs.
The reaction consists in pouring trichloride of bismuth into distilled water, where the former precipitates.
In all but one case, however, the reaction consisted of a rash that was treated with antihistamines.
This reaction consists of a conversion from activated sulfate to sulfite.
Their initial reaction consists of frowns of dismay.
As with any radical reaction, the reaction consists of three major steps: initiation, propagation, and termination.
However, because the actual reactions consist of many steps needed to protect the active site, it is difficult to synthesize dendrimers using either method.
My first reaction consisted of being grateful that we could afford a Penfield mood organ.
Admiral Quinn's reaction consisted of a quiet cough to clear his throat before he said, "I remember hearing about that.