The woman's situation and reaction highlights some of the confusion and problems the welfare reform program is generating in Connecticut.
The reaction to Rehnquist's comments highlights a common misunderstanding about the chief justice.
But these experts say the team's reaction highlights a much more subtle issue.
Initial reaction to the proposed service highlighted deep concerns with regards to individual privacy and property rights in data.
Another reaction of 2,6-dihydroxypyridine highlights its function as a substrate for oxygenase.
But the Administration's reaction only highlighted the crack that is now appearing between the Americans and the Soviets.
These reactions highlight the influence of electrostatic forces on the structures of compounds with highly ionic bonding.
The reaction from the presidential candidates today, while brief and careful, highlighted those differences anew.
These reactions highlight at the same time the need for an Appeals Chamber as well as an outreach programme.
That reaction highlighted her improved relationship with her hometown audience, even though a couple of middle-aged couples walked out on that show.