It's amazing that Mendes and Ball get away with recycling so many stale and reactionary ideas under the all-purpose rubric of "black comedy."
Tsar Alexander adopted reactionary ideas from a patriotic group which she dominated.
It is a great pity that such reactionary ideas are still harboured by the Labour party in Havering and elsewhere.
For it is the plain fact that nowadays there are no conservative or reactionary ideas in general circulation.
With a self-congratulatory smirk, the show presents the most bullying reactionary ideas as if they were progressive .
So far as I'm concerned, the Apostles represent Darkness itself-the blackest, most hateful sort of reactionary ideas.
They still speak with theatrical accents and have outrageously reactionary ideas.
"We must push our people 200 years ahead and away from medieval, reactionary ideas, through education and discipline."
While identified with the modernist movements in art and literature, Stein's political affiliations were a mix of reactionary and progressive ideas.
We shall ruthlessly get rid of them if they dare to put their reactionary ideas into practice.