A Ugandan MP has proposed reactionary legislation that would further criminalise homosexuality and introduce the death penalty for some activity (currently going through the parliamentary process as a private member's bill).
Sensible, compassionate, enforceable reform from the Senate is needed, not hysterical, reactionary, unenforceable legislation, as passed by the House.
There have been moves, initiated by a Ugandan MP, to introduce reactionary legislation that would further criminalise homosexuality and introduce the death penalty for some activity.
It also enacted reactionary legislation (such as Regulation 17) against the French-Canadian population in Ontario.
The sections of the Qur'an that detail the importance of health for women have been used to combat this argument, and have been moderately successful at changing the reactionary legislation against abortion enacted after 1979.
Woods opposed what he called the "Government's reactionary legislation", such as the Agricultural Rating Act, its proposals for education, and asking India to contribute to cost of Kitchener's expedition to the Sudan.
The whole saga is an object lesson of the principle that good law isn't usually created by rushing reactionary legislation to a vote.
From the tribune of the Chamber he described, the revolution of February as a "catastrophe," and he supported reactionary legislation, notably the bill (31 May 1850) for the limitation of the suffrage.
"We are going to go perilously close to a point where we can't use a blocking 40 votes against radical, reactionary legislation," Mr. Moynihan said.
However this support was undermined by both national feeling and due to the party being driven underground by reactionary legislation.