Irradiation effects studies have many purposes, from studying structural changes to reactor components to studying nano-modification of metals using ion-beams or particle accelerators.
In fact, highly radioactive reactor components - filters and pipes, for example - would go to the proposed dump.
These highly radioactive reactor components should be excluded from the "low-level" waste category.
Dr. Srinivasan said the biggest difficulties have been producing reactor components domestically at reasonable cost, and producing India's own heavy water.
The feature would only work if it responded faster than an emerging (steam) void and the reactor components could sustain the increased coolant pressure.
The two biggest manufacturers of reactor components in this country were the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the General Electric Company.
Temporary storage facilities were established for nuclear waste such as reactor components.
The study describes how parts were installed incorrectly, atomic fuel and other reactor components were often dropped in refueling, electrical generators failed, and key seals ruptured.
Madia created the first nuclear fuel cycle analysis group at Battelle, studying the entire cycle, not just the reactor components.
This accident was caused by the melting of a vital reactor component known as a source rod.