He worked on many of the early reactor projects.
This past week, Russian officials brushed aside these warnings and insisted that they would go ahead with the reactor project.
Rejecting those accusations as propaganda, Cuban officials note that the reactor project has consistently met all international guidelines.
But Russia's help to Iran in its main nuclear reactor project has been a continuing source of tension between the two countries.
The universities were too busy with their big reactor projects, all of them sucking on one government teat or another.
"It was a people problem," said Curtis J. Cowgill, a chief of reactor projects for the commission.
The issue of who will be the prime contractor for the reactor project is likely to be similarly fudged or left until later to decide.
By 1979 his family had moved to South Korea, where Sovka was overseeing another reactor project.
This includes youtube videos of speakers calling for an end to the new nuclear reactor project.