With the reactor shut down and secured against the coming jolt he had no power.
On September 24, 1977, the reactor, running at only 9% power, shut down because of a disruption in the feedwater system.
It was the fourth time the reactor had shut because of leaks in the last 12 months, a spokesman for the plant operator said.
In 1994, the cost of maintaining Indian Point 3, even with the reactor shut down, was $148 million.
In any case, this reactor automatically shut down and was maintained in a "stable" condition, the company said.
When the reactors shut down, the plant stopped generating electricity, stopping the normal source of power for the plant.
When the reactor shut down and its electricity was no longer supplying the control room, three emergency diesel generators started up to do that job.
In any case I'm hoping that with the reactor shut down we won't be detected by passive sonar.
The reactor shut in mid-March for refueling, modification and maintenance.
Most of the plaintiffs would like to keep the reactor shut permanently.