While others read Dr. Seuss to their infants, she would read Balzac and Baudelaire.
This is brought beautifully home to us when the narrator meets a doctor who has also read Balzac.
Detective novelist Arthur Conan Doyle said that he never tried to read Balzac, because he "did not know where to begin".
So they read Balzac, and did compositions, and felt highly cultured.
Yann says gently: "There is pleasure too, in reading Balzac.
He also spoke French and as an adolescent, he read Balzac, Flaubert, and Zola.
He read Balzac.
"I must have been reading too much Balzac."
She tells me severely that I must read Balzac, Voltaire, Robbe-Grillet.
You should read Balzac.