In any case, Mr. Cronenberg reportedly had his cast read Sartre, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Camus to get into the proper mood.
But in the France, there are 10 million people who can read Camus but they are not living in the good houses.
He has also been reading Camus, who is cool, he said, most recently "The Stranger."
He likes khakis and expensive wine, and it is a good bet that he hasn't been reading much Camus lately.
I'd rather read Camus.
A Columbia graduate who reads Camus in French becoming a cop.
He reads Camus on the toilet and tells his first drill sergeant that he's in the Marine Corps because he "got lost on the way to college."
He'd be reading Camus and crying in his beer if he went on like this.
He's reading Camus," she said.
Abstract Expressionists who never read Camus were called Existentialist, while a painter like Wols, championed by Sartre himself, was virtually unknown here.