He speaks fluent German and cited the reason for learning it as wanting to enjoy reading Goethe in the language it was written.
We know that some of the men who devised and administered Auschwitz had been trained to read Shakespeare and Goethe, and continued to do so.
Professor West speaks somewhat dreamily of young folks "who are multi-contextual, who move between listening to popular culture as well as reading Goethe."
He not only has read Goethe, but also has embodied his notion that man must believe in himself alone.
I pedaled past college women sitting on a dock, perhaps reading Goethe, who attended school here in the 1770's.
He also began to read Goethe and Kierkegaard.
He munched on fried chicken and described the joy of reading Goethe while listening to Mozart.
Yesterday we did nothing but read Goethe the whole day.
He was reading Goethe, his father's favourite author.
In the early days, students did not read Homer, Dante and Goethe; professors used their own work.