The following year he had actors in period garb read Joyce at various places along the 6.2-mile course through the center of town.
As when reading Joyce, one should tackle this work with a learned guide to light the way.
You could see the melody and the logic in it, and it was an illumination, like reading Joyce with clear explanatory footnotes.
Apart from reading Joyce, the city was as real to us as outer space.
Since then, she said, she has kept reading Joyce, "trotting along at the heels of the scholars, hoping they'll shut up."
He read Joyce and kept a goat in the back yard.
All those educated English syllables and he hasn't even read Joyce.
Bellows had not read Joyce.
Everyone reads Joyce now.
At the time, he was reading Joyce's comic novel Finnegans Wake and found the book as difficult as running a road race.