But of course our 25 guests would not be doing any laundry, or reading Plato either.
When reading Plato about justice, for example, an automobile mechanic may just awaken to a profound and unexpected sense of the good.
Why settle for Trivial Pursuit when our children could be reading Plato?
Today he is on the staff of the organization and reads Plato in his spare time.
His students read Plato and Nietzsche in their original languages.
But my thinking was unsettled and in reading Plato I found a curious dislocation.
Petrarch was not able to read Plato directly, but he greatly admired him.
Two years later, after reading Plato, he decided to become a philosopher.
When he's not skiing up top, he's reading Plato down below.
Four or five persons I have seen who read Plato.