For certain epochs people read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy.
In turn, both Gandhi and Martin Luther King had read Tolstoy.
She taught him Russian, in order to read Tolstoy (whom he would later meet) and Pushkin.
Gordon, however, spends his time reading Tolstoy, smoking spliffs, and observing himself observing his surroundings.
Why should it irritate you so much if he helps himself by reading Tolstoy?
Which is why it is such a pleasure to read Tolstoy.
Why did you choose to read Tolstoy?
"Seemingly," because there is an element of overdone provocation in his stuff (So people aren't reading Tolstoy?
When he wasn't writing, he read Tolstoy.
Mr. Konchalovsky said he discovered Thoreau by reading Tolstoy, who admired him.