Either books are worth fighting over or they're not - and if they're not, why read them in the first place?
We're talking about doing this, and about reading the original series in the first place, with a sense of abashed irony.
But how was the novel supposed to be read, in the first place?
When she had read every single children's book in the place, she started wandering round in search of something else.
Another question has to do with the point of reading philosophy in the first place.
You'll say probably shouldn't have read it in the first place.
And are we reading correctly in the first place?
But it is alarming to me thousands of students can't even read them in the first place.
So state officials decided on an alternative argument; that many of the clinic's mammograms were too flawed to be read in the first place.
Joel responds to a completely wrong idea in Upside magazine, which he shouldn't have been reading, in the first place.