Or are you simply expecting everyone who reads your argument to have less competency towards scientific controls than an average elementary school child (or worse yet, you fit the stated criteria yourself)?
I read your argument in the paper.
You will present yourself for the examination at his leisure after he has read your argument.
The judge may have tried to throw you with an interruption partly because you were reading your argument in a monotonous way.
If Hitler argued that the world is a sphere would there be anything troubling about me reading his argument and concluding with him that the world is indeed a sphere?
After reading AT&T's massive argument for why the government should allow it to purchase T-Mobile...
After reading AT&T's massive argument (PDF) for why the government should allow it to purchase T-Mobile, you might wonder just why AT&T wants the smaller company at all.
Long Islanders should read and heed the Pine Barrens Society's compelling argument against sprawl.
However, if you read his argument in the Circuit Court, he basically said it's all right; there are good black schools and good white schools, good black housing and good white housing.
Oddly, I was never at all staggered by this theory until now, having read Mr. Milne's argument against it.