As a teenager, he was greatly troubled by the Metaphysics of Aristotle, which he could not understand until he read al-Farabi's commentary on the work.
Reading Mr. Whitcomb's extensive, lively commentary while listening to this disk will make the experience all the more rewarding.
The only reason I came into my office was to read your commentary.
When I read Abbott Combes's commentary, an image suddenly came to mind.
If you want to know how it unfolded you could do a lot worse than read Jonathan Liew's minute-by-minute commentary.
"We read your commentary on the Web site," said Conklin, casually.
To understand the editors' approach, you can read their commentary, which clearly discusses the evolution of the trumpet part (along with many other aspects of the work).
And anyone reading his really feeble commentary on Leonardo's Krakow portrait a few weeks ago will realise his interest in art is really horribly superficial.
Read my commentary here.
Read my latest commentary on counterterrorism vs. counterinsurgency in Afghanistan here.