An example would be where you obtain a search but your customer does not have a facility to read the fiche, and you simply convert it into readable hard copy and pass it on to your customer without comment or analysis.
The printout to 9-pin dot-matrix gives a clear and readable copy.
The news media: wants factual, honest information, but they also want readable copy.
In any case, you will see the Mars Declaration - or at least a far more readable copy of it - again in a few minutes.
A picture on the cover of the current issue of The Foreign Service Journal shows a readable copy of one of the Government's most sensitive intelligence documents, according to Government officials.
If die film was fast enough, I have readable copies.
However, you may download material from The New York Times on the Web (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal, noncommercial use only.
Mr Rathje often finds readable copies of 25-year-old newspapers and eatable corn cobs.
Editors of online newsletters, for instance, often lack the staff to convert traditional press release prose into more readable, print-ready copy.
The programming languages weren't familiar to us, so we've only had success producing readable copy and useful images for about six months.