Fischer, Jim Introduction to the calculus of variations, a quick and readable guide.
This isn't a series of children's exams but a clear and readable guide to how your child will develop from birth to the age of five.
A readable and reliable guide to the last and biggest wilderness on earth, by a science reporter for The New York Times.
A cry for action and a readable guide to the arcana of arms policy, established chiefly in conversations with advocates of abolition (including generals).
A clear, readable guide, handsomely illustrated, to modern American figurative sculpture.
This is the first readable, nontechnical guide to fax that we have seen.
Highly readable guide to the rhetoric of clear thinking, frequently updated with examples of the opposite drawn from contemporary U.S. media sources.
It is a readable guide to, and background study of, the merger mania that has infected the industry worldwide.
One of the best for business travelers is Fodor's Net Travel, a readable 396-page guide with solid reviews of some 3,000 sites.
The result is not only a highly readable guide to some of the complexities of this profound issue, but also an impassioned plea for action.