Many readers and commentators, however, admire this original Nancy's outspoken character.
Has he heroes & heroines whom the reader admires--admires and knows why?
Bush claims I defamed the memory of his parents, yet most readers admire the depiction of Prescott and Dorothy Bush in the book.
Firstly, some readers admired Goldsmith's economic and social arguments, or at least reflected upon them in their own writings.
The reader then enjoys the pleasure of recognition or the thrill of renewed acquaintance or can admire the aptness of the passage.
Adult readers will enjoy the story but will also admire the writing.
Or it may be that these animals somehow embody that peculiar quality of untamed wildness that readers admire and appreciate.
Miriam Rooth is a magnificent creation, and the reader can't help but admire her tireless energy as she perfects her talent and earns great success.
Is this really someone The Times thinks readers should admire or emulate?
Professor Jones is the kind of stereotype-breaking character Mosley's readers admire, a complicated and endearing underdog who prevails.