The interested reader can consult the Paiute Tribe for more complete transcripts and accounts.
The Times in fact now encourages writers to interpolate more analysis into their primary reporting rather than ask readers to consult a separate article.
The curious reader may consult Brand on Popular Antiquities, 4to.
The reader may consult them for himself.
Nevertheless, this entry will emphasize music culture as it has flourished on the island; readers should naturally consult other entries for genres like salsa.
For more detail and to determine when a section was added, the reader should consult the official printed version of the U.S. Code.
These are dealt with in some detail elsewhere, but the reader who wishes to study the matter in depth should consult specialist references.
Interestingly, none of these new books try to compete directly with the Internet - perhaps the first resource a young reader will consult now on any subject.
For further information upon this matter of relativity the reader may consult any of the numerous books upon the subject.
The reader may consult Dame * Juliana Berners' book on the subject.