Since Claridad tends to have a rather serious tone, many readers demanded that Clemente return.
We're going to want to do this because the reader will demand it, if we have succeeded in making our character interesting!
The goal of our award is to encourage readers to think critically and demand the best from their books.
Even when we don't want to write about her, our readers demand still more and more.
It finally appeared in the November 1934 issue, when the readers gave it almost unanimous praise and demanded more from this "new" writer.
In Revelations I provide additional details which many scientifically-minded readers will demand although its content is still accessible to the general reader.
"Health does incredibly well for us, and our readers demand it."
Our readers expect and demand imaginative coverage.
Heitner claimed he removed the piece himself because he didn't "think the article represented the quality of work my readers should demand of me."
Though some Catholic readers angrily demanded why he didn't leave the church, over 90 percent asked in quite a different spirit why he stayed.