Though the reader soon grasps that the giants are metaphors for a violated earth spirit, the book is never hobbled by an obvious educational message.
Hidden at the heart of Hailsham, however, is a horrible, dark secret - a secret that the reader only gradually grasps.
His writings on architecture helped readers grasp the role of buildings in Chicago's social and political life.
And we want to do this in a way that readers can easily grasp, rather than with a lot of jargon.
And three other books help readers grasp the cultural background of garden plants.
But will the reader easily grasp the link?
However that avenue was never explored to its end; and if it had been, one may doubt whether many readers would have grasped the total effect.
Evidently, Orr assumes that readers will grasp the allusion and no explanation is necessary.
It is also obscure: thus in 1145 few readers can grasp that their means 'the Silmarils'.
Yes, I put all of them under an overall rubric that the average reader could easily grasp.