When a torifuda was taken, the reader moves on to the next waka.
As readers and advertisers moved from the city to the suburbs, The Bulletin attempted to follow.
And, after a certain amount of time, heavy readers often move onto more challenging stuff.
Skilled readers move their eyes during reading on the average of every quarter of a second.
A book - a physical book with a cover and pages and lines of print - is a place a reader can move around in.
As of Monday morning, readers moved this date 674 times.
The readers still moved idly to and fro, or stood gazing at the shelves.
Since then, the class size has dropped to 24, as the students with limited English and the more advanced readers have moved into other classes.
Dr. Sheedy says readers move their eyes in short spurts, up to five times per line.
Because if they aren't, he said, the readers will just move on.