They obviously still gnaw at the aging Communist, but there are so many other events about which most readers would far prefer to read.
"We assume that readers prefer to hear or read news that are more consistent with their beliefs," they write.
Other readers prefer to read finished material that has gone through the traditional publishing process.
The result is not the fast-paced adventure story that many young readers generally prefer but a thoughtful study of character, family and community.
It should scare historians when they see that readers prefer this imaginative writing to a reference-laden text.
"I'm amazed it took the industry this long to learn that readers preferred this format," he said of tabloids.
"They were concerned they would get less news," she said, but readers preferred the change when shown the color, reproduction quality and ease of handling.
The flow of immigrants has ebbed, and many young readers prefer the Internet to newspapers.
When they couldn't find it, they described an Orient they thought their readers would prefer to the reality.
The readers always prefer freshly minted terms of expression.