And readers did scan the draft for questions closest to their hearts, like the right to own private property.
As with a paper book, the reader can scan through text and graphics, refer to the table of contents and index, and place a bookmark when closing the book.
By the time that the reader was scanning the bottom of the first page, the words at the top began to fade away.
The reader scans each check dispensed and records the serial numbers.
Instead of ripping out the page and ruining the magazine for everyone else, readers can scan the article with the new DocuPen RC800 from Planon.
"Let's splurge," Kim Soo says, and you zip up a ramp, not even slowing as the electronic reader scans your windshield card.
Badi has developed a user-friendly system of icons to complement personal ads, which allow readers to quickly scan the pages for icons that match their specifications.
The Independent Voice, she read; then, always a rapid reader, she scanned the front page and saw at once that here was competent propaganda masquerading as journalism.
A reader would optically scan for the password, which would be visible only when the passport was open, and then use it to obtain data from the chip.
The reader scanned 100 tags per minute.