To these terms Charlemagne readily acceded.
The man driving this particular car acceded readily to this, but he was agitated.
She was arro- gant, not acceding readily to the directives of her rider, and taking any feed she could get at.
This is believed by some to be the very beginning of Esan, though the Irrua group may not readily accede to this historical contention.
As such, Moscoso acceded readily to the desires of his men to withdraw.
I acceded to this the more readily, because I now reproached myself with having treated her former letter rather lightly.
It is almost impossible to imagine Israel readily acceding to demands from the Palestinians that anything found in the West Bank belongs to them.
To readily accede to the wishes of a superior.
Most heretics are simple, uneducated folk who accede readily to correction when it is made; they merely have known no better.
When asked for a concrete example of the method Mr. Owen readily acceded.