After Ahlgren had hung up, Tom called his father, who readily assented to the trip.
Owen readily assented to a proposition so much in his own way, and our orator proceeded.
She assented readily, so readily that I saw again the hand of Nature fighting for life.
She readily assented, took him to the inner office, and left him alone.
To this I readily assented, and he started on the delicate undertaking.
They readily assented, and it was arranged that they should start the following night.
Having had little time to experience Yrythny culture, Vaughn readily assented.
To this I assented readily, hoping that the matter was at an end.
No one having as yet expressed any such opinion, this was the more readily assented to.
Schuschnigg readily assented to it, but, weak as his position was, laid down certain conditions.