Outside of Port, these wines also came to be readily associated with Portuguese wine.
"Sensory acuity" is not a phrase readily associated with football players or managers: indeed, in 35 years of covering the game I had never heard the term uttered.
The song is readily associated with Armstrong today.
The sculptures are small, usually about 12 inches high, rectangular, and include items readily associated with the subject.
Kyushu is Japan's southernmost island, but kites are readily associated with Japanese culture.
Most of the definitions in cost accounting are in an unclear narrative form, not readily associated with other definitions of accounting calculations.
In modern society poplar is not readily associated with many uses beyond biomass.
These traditions are not readily associated with the same God as those of Near Eastern origin.
Oysters are readily associated with rice, the staple food, and in times of shortage, even replace it.
Drama and bookselling are not words that are readily associated, but there's no doubting that this has been a heady week for the trade.