ITALY leads the world in the production of top quality wines at moderate prices, as this exceptional Orvieto readily attests.
There are many styles of syrah, as anyone familiar with Rhone wines will readily attest.
Having an important-sounding name in China can be a huge advantage, as Fredy Bush, the chief executive of Xinhua Financial Network, will readily attest.
Russians here readily attest to the fact that relations are exceptionally good in this town.
There is no doubt that Americans like their wines robust, as many a 15 percent alcohol zinfandel and over-oaked chardonnay will readily attest.
By general critical consent, she remains the finest dramatic soprano ever produced by Australia, as her various recordings, now available on CD reissues, readily attest.
As for being untamed, well, it can be tamed, as some skillful wine makers can readily attest.
Having been involved in the redistricting process for more than three decades, I can readily attest that there is nothing independent about these panels.
He is also a scholar, as anyone who has encountered his work under the same name on zinfandel and tokay in The Journal of Gastronomy will readily attest.
Because of the scorched earth policy, much of the land was laid waste and depopulated, a fact to which the Domesday Book, written almost two decades later, readily attests.