Because the signs are not readily discernible by people other than the woman herself, humans are said to have a concealed ovulation.
Grammatical change is slower but readily discernible if we take a time span of four hundred years.
The source of their fees is not readily discernible with conflicting reports from different sides.
Whether they'd fallen from the township or had been killed by falling debris wasn't readily discernible from the evidence.
Many of the verified X-ray locations still do not have readily discernible sources.
It is an exceptionally aggressive action with no readily discernible benefit.
Unlike strikeouts and home runs, balks are not readily discernible.
And there is a readily discernible commitment to the best ingredients and the most effective methods of preparing them.
The other element is state practice, which is more objective as it is readily discernible.
The reasons for the increase in suits are more readily discernible.