In that area it should be readily obtainable.
All of these were readily obtainable at short notice in any quantity required, as long as the buyer had cash.
In many ways cocaine was less dangerous, because it was less readily obtainable.
In the late 1940s, wire recorders became a readily obtainable means of recording radio programs.
An advantage is that envelopes - size C6 - are readily obtainable to fit.
Or they can modify or substitute new goals which are more readily obtainable.
However, river otters, as foragers, will immediately take advantage of other prey when readily obtainable.
That is a perspective not readily obtainable from official promotion boards.
These weapons are thought to offer a cheap and readily obtainable means of redressing the military balance against more powerful foes.
If subsidies are more readily obtainable, the demand for them will rise, and that is something we regard as needed, particularly by small programmes.