Since a chloride ion is a good leaving group, it will be readily replaced with the nucleophile.
The specifications did not project a cost for the device, but Pentagon officials have indicated that it should be inexpensive enough to be readily replaced if lost.
Neither group seems to be readily replaced by a younger generation, even though artists themselves keep trying to renew the Buffalo scene.
Napoleon inherited an army initially based on conscription using huge masses of poorly trained troops, that could usually be readily replaced.
In the small Vietnamese market, America's absent companies are readily replaced.
But he insists he wants to return to a team for which the well paid are readily replaced.
However, this may not be possible in parts of the developing world where water cannot be readily replaced due to irregular water supply.
Some tripods come with non-replaceable heads, but most of the good ones have heads that can be readily replaced with a different (maybe even better) model.
Because pilots cannot be readily replaced, they can instantly shut down the airline, costing the company millions of dollars a day.
They have formed over millions of years and once exhausted cannot be readily replaced.