In the first, students are given a six- to eight-page reading selection.
Parents from two East Harlem schools are threatening a boycott of the assessment, which involves writing an essay about a reading selection.
Her novels are required reading selections in elementary school curricula.
On the line was Donna Woolfolk Cross, the author of the group's reading selection.
And we post their reading selections, but it's challenging.
A double cassette album which contains Leary reading selections of Flashbacks was published under the same name in 1989 by Dove Books on Tape, Inc.
The CD-ROM includes passages and a plot summary from 30 books along with biographies of their authors, 450 reading selections in all.
Among the reading selections in a corner bookcase are "Roughnecks and Hostile Waters."
An alternate reading selection was available for those opting out, and a small percentage of parents chose this option.
Students are also expected to make personal connections related to the reading selections.