Asylum became a real battleground, a stunning example of how arbitrary a system can be.
Cypress Hills is the real battleground.
Roy Temple, executive director of the Missouri Democratic Party, said the suburbs were the real battleground.
"You're probably going to see more party organization in suburban areas where you have real battlegrounds in terms of turnout," he said.
"New York becomes a real battleground now and Mario Cuomo is the guy overseeing the territory," the organizer said.
In a state with so many safe Republican and Democratic districts, the primary is often the real battleground.
This is the real battleground in eminent domain cases as it is the on-ramp to how compensation is measured.
That's the real battleground Charley's got for tomorrow: London to Tokyo, and every place in between.
In Athens, however, while the symptoms of the crisis are economic, the real battleground is political.
"Laptops are the real battleground in PC's," Mr. Clark said.