The real bombshell was when his clothes were carbon-dated and proclaimed authentic late-sixteenth-century.
Which leads us to the only real bombshell in this month's tabloids: The king of pop, it turns out, is actually an African-American man.
But the real bombshell was busy occurring on that other 'minority' station, BBC2.
But General Trudeau had the real bombshell waiting to be dropped.
You learn to expect the unexpected in this game, but that was a real bombshell.
"You ready for the real bombshell, Striker?"
But the real bombshell was yet to come.
But by Nov. 24, he is amazed to discover "a real bombshell," that money from the arms sales had been diverted to arm the contras.
Therefore, at one meeting I dropped a real bombshell.
He was saving the real bombshell for last.