The real bonanza could come later, if Australia can capitalize on the success of the Games to become a top tourist destination.
Like prospectors in the Klondike, I know that a real bonanza comes once in a lifetime, if ever.
As Doug had happily told her, "This one was a real bonanza, Aunt Janice.
"Your grandfather stumbled on a real bonanza," Kennon said.
With a Mendelsohn record and a little imagination, this could be a real bonanza.
He also predicted "a real bonanza" in 1992 as the Bush adminstration "gooses" the economy in anticipation of the Presidential election.
The Gaming Commission files could be the real bonanza.
We started to dig and found a real bonanza!
The comet particles returned by the Stardust mission have been a real bonanza.
"This is going to be a real bonanza for growers and consumers alike."