We're looking at it as a very real document drafted by politicians in Philadelphia.
This is only a summary of the principles behind the real document.
Wherever possible, learning materials will involve real military documents, exercises and working situations.
Hallam goes to Palmer, saying that he has been sent by Ross to get the real documents back.
A real legal document that has blanks for people putting in money.
And when a man raises money for a corporation, he's got to have real legal-looking documents to give for it.
However, it is also a historical account, making use of real documents and accounts of people who knew Francia.
The first is extremely representational-it is meant to feel like a real document a character might have produced.
However, several Air Force officers, and one consultant, describe the report as being a real document that was suppressed.
"These movies become real cultural documents and make us understand what a previous generation responded to," he adds.