That wasn't the same as doing nothing: an injustice, if real, had to be rectified, but carefully.
Much well throughout grass roots, cultural work needs to be done - silly articles like these do a real injustice to such a struggle.
"It does a real injustice to a lot of politicians and public officials who don't act in that way."
Those were the only two times when Jenoset had not been outraged over imagined and real injustices.
It seems to me that a real injustice has been done to you.
To talk about the Nassau card as cutting into your business is a real injustice for these people.
And-this matters to me, even if it doesn't to anyone else-would start to correct a real injustice.
"So to argue that this decision should only apply to those six individuals does a real injustice."
He seems to have fallen completely between these two stools and therefore a real injustice has been done.
More likely one of Marius's directors, deciding to get even for some real or fancied injustice.