It could not be real liking, real interest.
All three expressed a real liking for President Clinton, brushing aside accusations by critics that he bends too easily with the political wind.
Jericho's thoughts were not so dissimilar, but he had no real liking for the match that lay ahead of him.
I'm man enough to admit it: Yes, I've developed a real liking for traffic reports.
Better be called ever so far out of your name, if it's done in real liking, than have it made ever so much of, and not cared about!
There was her job and her real liking for it, but in actual fact she never quite relaxed, never let her guard down.
Everything had depended upon a real honest liking for Whit, and she had it.
She had a real liking to her voodoo performed Teddy Bear that she carried most of the time throughout the manga.
Madam, he's taken a real liking to you, that's sure.
He had no real liking for laboratory research, or the 'bench', as scientists put it, and no real inclination to teach.