"Some of those companies will be the real movers and shakers in the future of entertainment."
The old biddy's the real mover and shaker on Lorelei.
And arguably they have the chance to be a real mover in the industry.
"Junior," their father says, "is a real good mover to the basket, sort of a Clyde Drexler-type player."
Some things you were better off not knowing; especially when it involved the real movers and shakers of the Empire.
Carol Helms, the creative director at the magazine, added that "we're celebrating the real movers and shakers, the ones who made it."
All the real movers and shakers, come to pay me homage.
Caesar, Conscript Fathers, is the real prime mover in this business!
Only the real movers and shakers in Mistport had access to energy guns.
He's a real mover and he's a big mover.