Unlike the film and real rules of basketball, each team plays 3-on-3.
Once we learned the real rules, we basically ended up having two different games to play.
The only real rules are that no two balseros from the same town can face one another and players must hit below the knees.
Basically, though, there are no real rules as to what to use when.
To be successful, games have to allow players to think of an imaginary world as a real place with real rules.
Perhaps vengeance was not the real rule of the insidious game.
"We want to have an elected, accountable government with a real rule of law and independent judiciary."
We set up the "true pizza" association so that it was possible to establish real rules.
And then there are the real rules - the knowing what you can and cannot get away with.
The campaign is being conducted with few real rules.