They are not a real setback, but a clear indication that the recovery is having a hard time getting out of first gear.
Starting in 1993, Today's Man experienced some real setbacks.
Maybe you have had a real setback that's knocked your self-esteem.
"This is a real setback, Margo," he said at last in a quiet voice.
So when he ran up against the first real setback he'd ever had, he grabbed a gun and started shooting.
The injury was the first real setback I had.
If they're not up to it there will be a terrible disappointment, a real setback.
This event meant a real setback for the conquest of the Chilean territory.
This is a real setback to Brahmins, they are refugee's in their own land.
Clinton brooded about his first real political setback, potentially fatal to his long-term ambitions.