"Putting morning glories around a door is very cheap, but a real show-stopper," Ms. Fitzsimons said.
I once heard him make a very condescending remark to a middle-aged woman he'd just met, a real show-stopper though I can't remember the words.
An executive of a large American oil company that has been talking with the Soviets for months called the 40 percent tax "a real show-stopper."
It was a real show-stopper.
Delia's family feast is a real show-stopper.
The real show-stopper, though, is Mr. Sama, who keeps both sides of his persona distinct, even amid the hysterics of self-confrontation.
"A real show-stopper that stops here first."
A real show-stopper, Chiun stood there, feet not moving, arms folded, face impassive as ever, still mouthing his chant.
While the man-made canals and abra rides are cute, the real show-stopper is the origami-inspired cubist fountain that doubles as a grand staircase.
A real show-stopper is the risotto con polpa di granchio, rughetta e scaglie di parmigiano (risotto with crab meat, rocket and shavings of Parmesan).