But it is the third fireplace that is the real stunner.
Better check your jealousy at the door; the folks on this list are real stunners.
But the real stunner is the turkey leg.
That would come as a real stunner to them, wouldn't it?
Lauren - 2 days 13 hours ago A black dress...a real stunner of an original!
The real stunners were raw materials up for adoption from other fields, most of which have not yet reached the production line.
I have seen photos in German books, and it is a real stunner.
Lauren - 1 day 18 hours ago A black dress...a real stunner of an original!
And on the few occasions when I have met a real stunner, she certainly hasn't wanted to have anything to do with me.
Miss Waite has some cousins visiting, and one of them is said to be a real stunner.