Agent Vi's solutions are meant to enable real-time detection and alerts, as well as forensic search and statistical analysis.
If that works, it should ultimately allow near real-time detection of the credibility of news stories as they break on Twitter.
The society grew out of interest in real-time detection, using non-traditional surveillance methods, of disease outbreaks following the Anthrax attacks in 2001.
Hence BiFC is unable to provide real-time detection of protein interactions.
We made an almost real-time detection through a combination of field observations and RADARSAT data, he explained.
His area of interest is galaxy dynamics, and he has worked to develop codes for the real-time detection of moving objects such as Jovian satellites.
The Rogue System Detector (RSD) component of HBSS is used to provide real-time detection of new hosts attaching to the network.
But Biowatch, officials acknowledge, does not provide "real-time detection."
The mission of the 103rd Air Control Squadron is real-time detection, identification and surveillance of air traffic for combat operations and homeland defense.
Also, the company has solutions for real-time detection of unseen threats such as radiation, chemical warfare agents (CWA) and toxic and combustible gases.