The race to deliver real-time search is now on.
Thingbuzz is the first real-time search and discovery shopping platform based on social media information generated on Twitter, the microblogging service. can fully access databases and the results are inherently as current as the individual data sources due to the real-time search.
The site features a news-recommendation engine, global real-time search and individual search for posts and comments on specific users' walls.
One approach, known as real-time search, is the concept of searching for and finding information online as it is produced.
In July 2010 Yandex developed and implemented a real-time search.
IceRocket is an Internet search engine which specializes in real-time search.
It provides a scalable search solution, has near real-time search and support for multitenancy.
ElasticSearch fully supports the near real-time search of Apache Lucene.
It supported folders and real-time search, and allows users to manage their favorites directly from the program.