Though it has the potential to fall back on tricks and pyrotechnics, "Heart-Shaped Box" is firmly rooted in real-world concerns.
I think that separating the real-world concerns from the real world adds clarity to a book's message.
Despite the trouble, the overwhelming majority in London last weekend were ordinary, decent people with well-grounded, real-world concerns.
Then we doubled back to Fondotoce, where real-world concerns had intruded on beauty in starker fashion.
Although the NSDate class provides a robust way to work with dates and times, real-world concerns always offer opportunities for improvements and refinements.
Adam's presentation of the principle is satirical-facetious but also addressing a real-world concern.
While last week's participants were demonstrating their real-world concerns, many by coincidence had slipcovered themselves in the old anti-establishment style.
Whichever technology performs best or holds the most promise, color differences are becoming more of a theoretical issue and less of a real-world concern, even for many professionals.
Whole-math focuses less on arithmetic and more on "real-world concerns."
It can do so only by addressing in a compelling way the real-world concerns of working families.