But let's look at real-world results to see when, if ever, this triple-channel mode makes a difference.
But one of the biggest reasons for the inefficiency of foundations is that they too often put donors' feelings above real-world results.
Of course, with fewer than 10 years of real-world results, however mediocre, statisticians can't be sure that these various modifications are inferior.
To achieve real-world results, we tested in as many real-world scenarios as possible.
The measurements are adjusted downward by 10% (city) and 22% (highway) to more accurately reflect real-world results.
These numbers, based on laboratory tests, are likely to be higher than real-world results.
There are these people at MIT who think they have it working really well, and they've got some real-world results they can point to.
She did not believe in revolution of any kind, and only trusted the mass application of the scientific method to get any real-world results.
Given the 4850 and 4870's performance, ATI appears to have traded some theoretical numbers for real-world results.
That's a real-world result, and it's nearly 30 percent better mileage than a Toyota Prius, previously the nation's highest-mileage hybrid.